Posts by JRB:

Are gold stocks facing another 2008?

In a word, no. We divide our rationale into three parts: macro, sentiment, and profit margins. Back in 2008, a recession was beginning, the private sector was in intense deleveraging mode and the credit markets foreshadowed what was to come in the equity and commodity markets. Today we are seeing growing credit stress on the sovereign side and not in the private sector as we had in 2008.

Gold & silver stock bottom likely days away

Gold and silver equities have led the markets lower and have underperformed the metals significantly this year. For the past month or so gold has firmed and Bonds have moved higher as most asset classes have declined. Unfortunately mining equities have been among the worst performers. However, our work leads us to believe that an important bottom should be in place very soon.

Short covering not speculative buying led to silver’s parabolic rise

Most mainstream pundits and reporters have assumed that it was speculative buying that caused silver to go parabolic. After all, it's always the dumb money or the public that gets in at the very end. However, in futures markets, parabolic moves are often the result of short squeezes. This is exactly what happened in silver.

Gold stock seasonality

Many analysts focus on the seasonality of Gold and Silver. Why? It plays out most of the time.

Checking in on relative gold

Relative Gold is also known as the real price of Gold. Its essentially a comparison of Gold against various asset classes.

The Core Growth Stocks of the Gold/Silver Bull Market

With the bull market in precious metals likely to accelerate in the coming years, folks should turn a great of their attention towards finding the growth stocks of the bull market. We are talking about your Ciscos and Microsofts.