Posts by The Gold Report:

When worlds collide

"The bottom line is that your own financial and psychological preparedness for dealing with volatility will determine whether you come out of the next year or two substantially better off—or substantially worse," says Rick Rule. "It's your responsibility to determine your response and hence your own financial future."

Matthew Zylstra: Value in small-cap gold producers

Northern Securities Analyst Matthew Zylstra seeks out junior precious metals stocks with value in the ground and growth potential that are not yet obvious to the markets. He also looks for companies that have unrecognized base metal potential that can significantly reduce the cash costs of precious metals production.

Taylor MacDonald: The perfect storm for gold

A lot of short-term peaks and troughs can make things messy in the resource space, and the associated volatility can whipsaw people out of investments. "Still," says Pathfinder Asset Management Limited's Associate Portfolio Manager Taylor MacDonald, "the long-term picture itself is very much intact."

Eric Coffin: Winter White Sale in the Yukon

What do tigers, fancy coffee drinks and an Egyptian god have in common? According to Eric Coffin, coeditor of the Hard Rock Analyst (HRA) family of publications, they all are individual opportunities in the larger area play he sees opening up in the Yukon.

Vanadium Boost Would Give Batteries More Juice

Don't look now, but vanadium demand is ramping up, according to Jon Hykawy, head of global research with Toronto-based Byron Capital Markets. Vanadium is mostly used to strengthen steel, but the metal could see its demand dramatically increase if battery manufacturers start using it to boost power output in lithium-vanadium cells. In this exclusive interview with The Gold Report, Jon talks about some potential demand drivers for vanadium and some companies looking to capitalize on the impending boost in vanadium use.

Sean Rakhimov: Silver Going Mainstream in 2011

Never mind the correction in the price of silver, says Silver Strategies Editor Sean Rakhimov; better things are ahead. "It may be volatile; it may be steep; but it should be short-lived," he says, adding that he expects silver to rise well above its 2010 high at some point in 2011. Some of that price support could come from governments entering the silver market. Find out all the reasons for this and read about some of Sean's favorite silver plays in this exclusive interview with The Gold Report.