Posts by The Gold Report:

Jim Mustard: Is the Yukon gold rush over-hyped?

Yukon explorers are just getting started, says Jim Mustard, vice president of investment banking, mining, at Vancouver-based PI Financial. In this exclusive interview with The Gold Report, he shares several of the Yukon companies he believes have the potential to produce significant returns for investors.

Critical metals: investing at a crossroad

Shifting technology, energy and defense needs along with volatile global economic and political pressures are changing the supply-and-demand equation for rare earth and strategic metals, opening opportunities that didn't exist a few years ago. The Cambridge House Critical Materials Investment Symposium June 3 and 4 will bring together industry experts, representatives of financial institutions, investors, end-users/manufacturers and the media to talk about solutions going forward.

Ian Gordon: Gold stocks offer protection from financial storm

Economic cycles, like weather, run in seasons. Longwave Group Founder Ian Gordon explains why he believes the world economy is in the "winter" portion of an approximate 80-year cycle and how the financial excesses of the past 60 years are now being wrung out of the system. Ian also explains how investors can prepare to profit from the coming financial storm by positioning themselves in gold and junior gold stocks in this exclusive interview with The Gold Report.

Kevin Puil: Copper stocks gleaming in gold’s glow

Blinded by the glare of gold's rocketing rise over the last several years, investors may want to follow the leads of the Barricks, Thompson Creek Metals, Goldcorps and other major miners targeting the copper space, according to Kevin Puil, portfolio manager at Malcolm H. Gissen & Associates and senior analyst for its Encompass Fund. In this exclusive Gold Report interview, Kevin tells us that major gold miners increasingly want to diversify and are turning to the red metal on the opposite end of the economic spectrum.

Clive Maund: Mitigate investment risk until end of dollar rally

Clive Maund returns to The Gold Report to provide some keen insight into the U.S. dollar's recent surge. "Be patient," he says, "because once the dollar rally is over, an excellent buying opportunity will be in the offing." Clive says the Fed is doing all it can to get investors out of commodities and into Treasuries before it unleashes QE3, and with it a new round of inflationary pressure. Read more in this exclusive interview with The Gold Report.

John Doody: Top 10 gold plays revealed

Production stage, location and dividend possibilities separate top mining and royalty stocks from the rest of the heap. In this exclusive interview with The Gold Report, Gold Stock Analyst (GSA) Newsletter Writer John Doody reveals a few of his top 10 stocks and what diversifying your gold portfolio really means.

John Kaiser: $1,200+ gold is new normal

What is good for the U.S. economy is good for gold. John Kaiser, editor of Kaiser Research Online, has proposed a graphic model that relates the value of all above-ground gold stock to global Gross Domestic Product (GDP), thereby explaining why higher real gold prices—even with a recovering American economy—will be the new reality. In this exclusive interview with The Gold Report, he shares his projections about where both gold prices and the U.S. economy could be going in the future.

Adrian Day: Gold prices due for a correction

As Adrian Day, of Adrian Day Asset Management, plays the current gold market "for all it’s worth," he isn't happy about the political decisions fueling it. Read in this exclusive Gold Report interview how he would fix the federal deficit, what he looks for in gold stocks and why his gut tells him the gold price is headed for a fall.

Geordie Mark: Global demand for iron ore on rise

How long until the window on rising iron-ore prices closes? Global demand is driving prices higher and shipping costs are at historic lows. But only companies poised to get into production quickly will be able to capitalize. In this exclusive interview with The Gold Report, Geordie Mark, an analyst with Haywood Securities in Vancouver, picks the companies that are ready to profit and those that are likely to get picked off by competitors.

Chris Berry: investment opportunities emerge in the Americas

From Quebec, Canada to Sonora, Mexico, House Mountain Partners Founder Chris Berry constantly uncovers new opportunities in the Americas. In this exclusive interview with The Gold Report, Chris outlines the geopolitical changes that are driving renewed interest in areas considered too risky or not profitable enough in the past.

What does $1,500 gold really mean?

When the price of Comex gold futures kissed a record high $1,500/oz. Tuesday before settling back to the high $1,400s at day's end, and then topped the benchmark in early trading Wednesday, the smack sounded a lot like "I told you so." The Gold Report's expert contributors explain what this milestone means for investors going forward.

Paul Dockweiler: right place, right time

Armed with a degree in geology, Silver Spartan LLC Founder Paul Dockweiler in 2003 got himself invited to explore in a mineral-rich area of southwestern Nevada that was falling out of favor because the price of gold barely covered the cost of production. As Paul explains in this exclusive interview with The Gold Report, a lot of virgin ground with the same mineralogy as a past-producing mine had never even been drilled and, of course, the gold price has since marched up fivefold.