Posts by The Australian:

BHP points to a new dilemma

The unavoidable quantum of the increase in BHP Billiton's revenue and profit numbers will doubtless provide verdant pasture for the gathering community of critics of both the Global Australian and the increasingly wealthy industry it leads.

Gloucester profit surges 67%

Gloucester Coal has increased first-half profit by 67 per cent as three recent takeovers give the miner growth opportunities. The profit surge came despite a reduction in production due to adverse weather and delays in extension projects.

Driving on platinum demand

Out of sight, out of mind seems to be the rule for many local investors when it comes to the platinum group metals. But those who do invest in this sector should hear the latest outlook. In a nutshell, the long term is great due to rising demand for cars.

A clash of values above and below ground

This time it's different. Miners have clashed with farmers and locals over the years, but never like this. The battle between coal-seam gas and coal versus the rest has grabbed the national headlines and now even drawn Tony Abbott into the mess.

Cockatoo to sell Taabinga

AUSTRALIAN miner Cockatoo Coal has put its Taabinga thermal coal project in Queensland up for sale, an informed source said today, in the latest sign that deal-flow in the coal sector is accelerating. Sydney-based Cockatoo - one of a handful of listed Australian companies with producing coal mines - has appointed advisory firm RFC Corporate Finance to handle the sale of the Taabinga project, which has an estimated 252 million tonnes of undeveloped coal resources.

Unusual tactics in mining bid

The potential joint bid by Rio Tinto and Mitsubishi Development for Coal & Allied Industries (CAIL) is a curious beast because it proposes to involve a mechanism normally used to avoid a takeover.

Rio in joint bid for coalminer

Rio Tinto and Mitsubishi are being pressured to offer a special dividend to seal a $1.49 billion attempt to mop up the shares of 150-year-old Hunter Valley miner Coal & Allied that they don't already own. The pair, which already have a combined 85.91 per cent stake in the target, made an indicative offer of $122 a share to Coal & Allied's independent directors on the weekend.

Australia mining boom has two speeds

Call it the two-speed mining boom. On the one hand, there are all the active miners and explorers attending Diggers & Dealers in Kalgoorlie who - provided they have a viable project - can lay their hands on enough money to get into operation. But according to the ASX website, there are more than a dozen resource floats languishing with "to be advised" sitting alongside their listing dates.