Posts by GoldMoney:

Money and growth

The most common of all misconceptions today is that a weakening currency is fundamental to a healthy economy, or put another way, a strong currency is economically destructive.

Firmer tone for gold and silver

This week started with a severe markdown in gold and silver prices when markets opened in the Far East on Monday morning, taking gold down $12 to $1278 and silver only 12 cents to $19.03.

Economic outlook darkens

Many decades of Keynesian-inspired economic and monetary corruption have left advanced economies with a legacy of debt and low savings.

Economies stalling

It wasn’t meant to be like this: six years of global money-printing should have guaranteed economic recovery.

Gold and bail-ins

The ability of western central banks to bail out bullion banks in the future is compromised by the emptiness of their vaults.

Renewed estimates of Chinese gold demand

Analysis of the detail discovered in historic information in the context of China’s gold strategy has allowed me for the first time to make reasonable estimates of vaulted gold, comprised of gold accounts at commercial banks, mine output and scrap.

The bursting of China’s Credit bubble

According to Garet Garrett in his book “A Bubble that Broke the World” Cheops employed 100,000 men for twenty years to build his great pyramid, “and all he had for 600,000,000 days of human labour was a frozen asset.”