Posts by Resource Investing News:

Labour Disputes Permeate Copper Market

The copper market has continuously been plagued with labour disputes for years, however, this year strikes have been especially prevalent with workers believing that they are entitled to larger pay cheques and benefits as they perceive that their employers are “raking in the cash” on the back of high metals prices.

Rare earths could be Idaho’s next cash crop

Colorado Republican Rep. Mike Coffman has been the leading proponent of getting the United States back in the REE game, introducing the Restart Act of 2010, which gives loan guarantees to mining companies, expedites the permitting process, directs the U.S. Geological Survey to scour the country for more supplies, and sets up long-term contracts with the Department of Defense to buy up the REEs produced by American companies.

Joint-venture potash project goes to vote over land

Encanto Potash Corp. has announced the Muskowekwan First Nation will vote on a Treaty Land Entitlement (TLE) designation on Oct. 1. Should the majority vote in favour, about 15,600 acres of the First Nation's treaty land will be added to the joint-venture potash project held on reserve lands by both parties.