Posts by Micromine:

Geobank Mobile expands integration capabilities

MICROMINE is pleased to announce Geobank Mobile, its leading data acquisition and management solution now has the ability to integrate directly to the Terraplus KT-10 Magnetic Susceptibility device, enabling instant collection and management of magnetic susceptibility readings.

Integration: the key to improving our mining future

An integration mature product, Pitram is agnostic and can talk to almost any system. MICROMINE identified the need to be able to collaborate with multiple partners, and as such developed, Pitram Restful Integration Services (PRIS) allows third party software application to submit and retrieve Pitram information without having to directly access the Pitram database. Based on current, industry standard integration technology, PRIS allows an organisation to incorporate Pitram data into their Enterprise information systems.

Integration: the key to improving our mining future

Visualisation and technology-integration are key themes for mining IT and software developers and they are not surprisingly continue to be the most talked about from a mine management and reporting point of view, collaboration and partnering are two hot themes that continue to be driven throughout the industry.

Accessing your mining data is easier than ever

Mine managers of today rely on accurate, real time data to run a safe and efficient mine and with so many different information technology systems on-site, the ability for these systems to share information with each other is becoming increasingly challenging.

Improve the Pit Design Process with Micromine 2018

The release of Micromine 2018, the latest version of MICROMINE’s 3D modelling and mine design solution, sees the introduction of a range of new features and enhancements that will improve the overall usability of the software.

Micromine 2018 is now available for download

Through Micromine’s intuitive software, mining and exploration companies are able attain an in-depth understanding of their project so that prospective regions can be targeted more effectively, increasing the chance of a project’s success. Micromine users are provided easy-to-use tools for modelling, estimation, design, optimisation and scheduling resulting in increased productivity and cost efficiencies.

Geobank 2018 is now available for download

MICROMINE is pleased to announce the release of Geobank 2018, the latest version of the industry leading, secure and flexible data management solution, is now available for download.