Posts by Joshua Zapf:

The Kalgoorlie Super Pit

The Kalgoorlie Super Pit Owner: Kalgoorlie Consolidated Gold Mines Type of Mine: Gold Location: Kalgoorlie, Australia Built: 1989 As the largest open-pit […]

Hull-Rust-Mahoning Mine

Hull-Rust-Mahoning Mine Owner: Hibbing Taconite Type of Mine: Iron Location: Minnesota, United States Built: 1893 At 8kms long, 3.2 kms wide and […]


Toquepala Owner: Southern Copper Corporation Type of Mine: Copper Location: Tacna, Peru Built: 1960 The Andes are home to some of the […]

Ekati Diamond Mine

Ekati Diamond Mine Owner: BHP Billiton Type of Mine: Diamond Location: Northwest Territories, Canada Built: 1998 Located 300 kms away from Yellowknife, […]

Kimberley Mine

Kimberley Mine Owner: Da Beers Type of Mine: Diamond Location: Kimberley, South Africa Built: 1871 The name that this mine usually goes […]

Grasberg Mine

Grasberg Mine Owner: Freeport-McMoRan Type of Mine: Copper, Gold Location: Papua, Indonesia Built: 1990 The largest gold mine and third largest copper […]


Chuquicamata Owner: CODELCO Type of Mine: Copper, Gold Location: Chile Built: 1882 When speaking about volume there is none larger than the […]


Escondida Owner: Minera Escondida Type of Mine: Copper Location: Atacama Desert, Chile Built: 1990 Escondida produces the most copper annually than any […]

Berkeley Pit

Berkeley Pit Owner: Atlantic Richfield Company Type of Mine: Copper, Silver, Gold Location: Montana, United States Built: 1955 The Berkely Pit closed […]

Yuba Goldfields

Yuba Goldfields Owner: Western Aggregate Type of Mine: Aggregate Location: Califronia, United States. Built: 1848 The Yuba Goldfields, located along the Yuba […]

Udachnaya Pipe

Udachnaya Pipe Owner: Alrosa Type of Mine: Diamond Location: Sakha Republic, Russia Built: 1988 At 600 meters deep Udachnaya plunges lower than, […]

Olympic Dam

Olympic Dam Owner: BHP Billiton Type of Mine: Copper, Gold, Silver, Uranium Location: South Australia Built: 1988 While technically an underground mine, […]