Posts by Marketwire:

CB Gold Inc. issues stock options

The company announces the issuance of up to 3,080,000 incentive stock options to various directors, advisory board members, officers, employees and key consultants.

Barisan Gold extends two of Its exploration licenses

Barisan Gold wishes to inform shareholders that that two of its majority-owned Indonesian subsidiaries, PT Linge Mineral Resources and PT Takengon Mineral Resources, have received extensions to their Exploration Izin Usaha Pertambangan.

Baja Mining reports on Boleo project financing and technical report status

Baja Mining Corp. is pleased to announce that it has been informed by Minera y Metalúrgica del Boleo, S.A.P.I. de C.V. , which is now controlled by members of the Korean Consortium, that a portion of MMB's 2010 project financing facilities provided by the Export-Import Bank of the United State to MMB has been renegotiated.