Posts by Bloomberg News:

Diamond prices to rise over four years

Diamond prices are poised to rise for the next four years, outpacing gold, as increased spending on luxury goods in China, India and the Middle East outpaces supplies of the precious stone, analysts said.

Much-awaiting Virginia uranium mining report released

A highly anticipated National Academy of Sciences report on uranium mining concluded Monday that Virginia must overcome "steep hurdles" before it can assure that a rich deposit of the radioactive ore can be safely extracted and processed.

Norilsk sees platinum group metals demand rising 5% next year

OAO GMK Norilsk Nickel, the world’s biggest producer of nickel and palladium, predicts demand for platinum group metals will rise as much as 5 percent next year, exceeding increases of as much as 3 percent for copper and nickel, as the global economy avoids a slump as severe as that seen in 2008.