Posts by International Mining:

Grasberg gets new open-pit slope monitoring system

PT Freeport Indonesia (PTFI) Geo Services Division recently enhanced the slope monitoring system at Grasberg mine with the purchase of two IBIS-M radars. “Grasberg mine is one of the few mines in the world that utilises very high-technology monitoring equipment to help detect slope movements. The IBIS-M radars are top-of-the-line radars, using technology that is accurate to within approximately 0.1 mm, with coverage at some 2 km an area around 5 km square, and operating range of 10 m to 4,000 m,” explained PTFI Superintendent - Geotechnical Pit Engineering and Stability Rahadian Widiadi.

10th anniversary of first major gold and copper discovery at Oyu Tolgoi coincides with peak construction at Mongolia’s largest mining complex

Ivanhoe Mines’ Chief Executive Officer and founder, Robert Friedland, and Senior Vice President of Exploration, Douglas Kirwin, observed July 17th’s 10th anniversary of the company’s first major mineral discovery at Oyu Tolgoi with a tribute to the 14,000 workers who now are building the Oyu Tolgoi mining complex in southern Mongolia. “Oyu Tolgoi already is one of the mining world’s great stories, thanks to the legions of people who have figured in its discoveries and development,” Friedland said.

SKF announces new mine conveyor monitoring solution

skfs133-ism-danger-screen.jpg Engineering company SKF has announced the availability of a new SKF Idler Sound Monitor Kit. According to SKF, this is an easy to use, rugged and handheld monitoring device for early detection of faults in conveyor belt idlers in mines. Conveyor idlers support the length of conveyor belts and are a common cause of belt damage and [...]