Posts by The Guardian:

Why has gold lost its shine?

Is the great gold rush over? The price of the precious metal has soared over the last decade, jumping from below $300 (£189) in 2001 to peak at $1,920 (£1,211) in September 2011. But, since then, it has fallen to around $1,660 (£1,047) defying predictions – and the hopes of speculators – that it would continue to hit new peaks during the ongoing financial turmoil.

UK accused of stalling EU tar sands regulation

were not ready to vote on approving the directive, which would assign fuel from Canada's highly polluting oil sands a high default greenhouse gas value, reflecting the environmental damage it causes. The diplomat said that "there was a request shared by

Fake Twitter accounts used to promote tar sands pipeline

The Guardian has an amusing story about allegations that oil company lobbyists have set up fake Twitter accounts in support of Keystone XL. Here's an example of one Tweet: "If you like pizza you should also like #keystonexl and the sweet #oilsands it benefits #nebraska." Mmm, oil sands pizza! I'm sold. Thanks, oil lobby astroturfers!