Posts by CommodityOnline:

India to import 35 million tons of coal for 2012

Follow us on Facebook and Twitter for updates India to import 35 million tons of coal for 2011-12 Read more : india,coal,imports,ntpc,load shedding NEW DELHI (Commodity Online): Many states in India has increased load shedding or power cuts to avoid to...

Platinum undervalued but could reach $2,000 by end 2012

After the sell-off in Gold and Platinum in 2008, both precious metals rebounded strongly from the October 2008 low by about 100% with platinum leading the way until early August 2011 when gold overtook platinum price. Since then, platinum underperformed gold by about 17% to 26 October.

Three golden conditions to kick start commodities again

Three golden conditions to kick start commodities, again Read more : commodity rally,commodities,commodity prices,gold,silver,copper Commodity Online Three conditions need to be met for commodities to make a sustained recovery from their recent losses:...

Gold: The illusion of safe haven

Follow us on Facebook and Twitter for updates Read more : gold,silver,gold prices,silver prices,safe haven Let us admit it! There is no safe-haven in gold! It is just an illusion and one can argue that it is thoroughly inappropriate to term Gold a safe...

Silver: Invest only if you can handle volatility

Read more : gold price,gold news,gold predictions,gold miner,silver bullion,gold report,gold and silver,gold bullion,silver bar,silver gold,silver bullion,silver spot prices,silver price,silver rate,silver news,precious metal,ian mcavity,precious metal...

COMEX copper advances on strong Chinese import

Follow us on Facebook and Twitter for updates Read more : comex copper prices,chinese import,comex copper NEW YORK (Commodity Online): COMEX Copper advanced on Friday as September data showed a 16-month high copper imports from China. This buoyed inves...

Huge rare earths potential in Afghanistan; security issues remain

As the U.S.-led Afghan campaign lurches into its second decade, the country's vast untapped mineralogical resources are again emerging in the Western media, seemingly underpinning the benefits of International Security Assistance Force troops "staying the course" and defeating the insurgency, after which these resources can be tapped, both providing the administration of Afghan President Hamid Karzai with a source beyond drugs for reconstruction and Western companies who develop the reserves a handsome profit.