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Mugabe threatens western firms in Heroes Day speech

As the country marked Heroes Day, Robert Mugabe used the occasion to make fresh threats to punish foreign owned companies from Western countries that have imposed targeted sanctions on him and his key ZANU PF officials. The US and European Union slapped the sanctions on Mugabe and his cronies because of human rights abuses.

Pre-Qualified Firms to Tender for Coal Power Projects

Eleven firms have been pre-qualified for a concession to manage the Mui Basin coal deposits in Kitui and construct coal-fired power plants as the government steps up efforts to reduce the country's reliance on hydro electricity. The investors, drawn from South Africa, Japan and China are expected to submit proposals to explore and develop the coal resources in four blocks covering an area of 500 square km in parts of Eastern Kenya.

Zimbabwe Chiadzwa diamond fields watchdog rejected by mines minister

Mines Minister Obert Mpofu has rejected the monitor nominated by civil society to oversee operations at the Chiadzwa diamond fields, saying the appointment is null and void. The proposed watchdog is part of ongoing efforts to legitimise Zimbabwe's diamond trade, which was suspended in 2009 over human rights concerns at the Chiadzwa diamond fields. These concerns are still high with ongoing reports of rights abuses and rampant smuggling, all at the hands of the military, which maintains tight controls of the entire area.

Zambia: Mining company seeks partners

Mining company, Sandulula Mining Ltd., is seeking technical and equity funding partners to develop mines in Zambia. Investment opportunity: Mining company, Sandulula Mining Ltd., is seeking technical and equity funding partners to develop mines in Zambia

Mozambique: Govt Demands Shares in Mining Concessions

Maputo Mozambique is to review its current mining legislation to enable the state to hold a share in the companies with mineral concessions. Speaking at the opening of an International Coal Conference, under way in Maputo since Tuesday, the Minister of

NGO slams South Africa over role in diamond trade

South Africa's role in getting Zimbabwe's diamonds back into international trade is being slammed as "dangerous", amid revelations that government officials there have helped export millions of dollars worth of Zim diamonds. South Africa's State Diamond Trader officials admitted in parliament last week that they had helped Zimbabwe export diamonds from Chiadzwa, despite an international ban on the trade.