Steve Todoruk, an Investment Executive at Sprott Global Resource Investments Ltd. since 2003, said recently positive signs were beginning to take shape for the bigger mining firms.
In Structure, Skousen makes the case that modern economists downplay the importance of the business sector in the economy, and overstate the importance of consumer spending. In particular, he believes that the GDP should not be used as a sole measure of economic activity.
John Embry said last month that the rally at the beginning of the year was encouraging, but to remember that sentiment for gold was still extremely negative.
Steve Todoruk joined Sprott Global Resource Investments Ltd. as an Investment Executive in 2003. He focuses on investing in new discoveries – companies that have identified promising deposits that may prove to be economic.
Steve Todoruk, an Investment Executive at Sprott Global Resource Investments Ltd., said last year that big miners were the key to a rebound in natural resource stocks.
Gold has made its way down again, to around 1,300 per ounce this month. Rick Rule, Chairman of Sprott Global Resource Investments Ltd. says that a few years out, you will be happy you stuck with gold.