Posts by SRK Consulting:

SRK’s high-tech engineering chart way to better mining

The digital age holds out great opportunities for mining companies to reduce risk and improve safety and profitability; SRK Consulting (SA) chairman William Joughin gave delegates at the Investing in African Mining Indaba a taste of what is already being achieved.

Insights on investing in African Mining Indaba 2018

Stronger mineral markets underpin a more upbeat mood at the Investing in African Mining Indaba underway in Cape Town, but the really important messages from opinion leaders at the event have the sound of ushering in an age of mining differently.

New chairman for SRK (SA)

“My focus as chairman will be on leveraging SRK’s distinctive combination of experience and innovative capability, where our expertise gathered over decades is captured and applied in new technologies that generate more value for our clients.”

Mines and communities: the long road to real partnerships

While the headlines seem to suggest growing levels of mistrust between mines and communities, South Africa is home to a breakthrough where these partnerships are now practically being built. According to SRK Consulting’s corporate social and development consultant Tim Hart, the narrative of treating communities as partners rather than beneficiaries has found its way steadily into the mining sector’s approach, but the difficulty has been to put that idea into action.

Don’t avoid risk, manage it better – SRK

With Africa still low on the global mining risk rankings, explorers and developers being drawn back into the continent by the commodity price recovery would be wise to step carefully – on the strength of quality studies and plans informed by experienced local professionals.

Don’t avoid risk, manage it better

With Africa still low on the global mining risk rankings, explorers and developers being drawn back into the continent by the commodity price recovery would be wise to step carefully – on the strength of quality studies and plans informed by experienced local professionals.

Helping mines find the real source of nitrates in water

The issue of water quality has become topical in the aftermath of the contamination in the Olifants River catchment in Mpumalanga over recent decades, as well the surfacing of acid mine drainage from old and abandoned mines around Gauteng and other provinces.

Protect stock value with the right studies upfront

The recent share price collapse of a much-vaunted copper-gold project in south-west Alaska is an indication of what can happen when explorers and planners do not cover all the bases in the early stages of the project cycle, according to Marcin Wertz, partner and head of the mining unit at SRK Consulting.

Mining lessons to be learnt from SA – good and bad

Signs of hope – visible in some commodity prices and increased exploration drilling – have lent a more upbeat tone to the buzzing Investing in African Mining Indaba taking place in Cape Town this week; but South Africa has some sobering lessons for those African countries present which have yet to fully launch their mining sectors.