Posts by Peter Schiff - Euro Pacific Capital:

Bush Trumps Reagan

The optimism that has followed the election of Donald Trump has pushed the Dow Jones Industrial Average to the threshold of 20,000, a level that will be both a nominal record and a symbolic milestone.

Two down – two to go

The Federal Reserve's years-long campaign to sheepishly back away from its own policy forecasts continued in earnest last week when it officially reduced the four expected 2016 quarter point hikes, suggested back in December, to just two.

Clueless in Davos

Making their annual pilgrimage to the exclusive Swiss ski sanctuary of Davos last week, the world's political and financial elite once again gathered without having had the slightest idea of what was going on in the outside world.

Mission accomplished

The image of George W Bush on the flight deck comes to mind in much of the reaction to this week's decision by the Federal Reserve to raise interest rates for the first time in nearly a decade

QE’s creeping communism

Most economists and investors readily acknowledge that the current period of central bank activism, characterized by extended bouts of quantitative easing and zero percent interest rates, is a newly-blazed trail in economic history.

Failure to launch

A deep bench of excuses, ranging from the weather to the Chinese economy, has been called on to justify why the US economy hasn't built up any noticeable steam, and why the Fed has failed to move rates off zero