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Zimbabwe: Govt, Platinum Miner Wrestle Over Earnings

Harare As the crowd of anxious community members and stakeholders waited patiently at the Selous Metallurgical Complex (SMC) on Thursday last week, a white helicopter with blue strips droned past, forcing dust to go round like a billowing sea. Executiv...

Zimbabwe: Govt, Platinum Miner Wrestle Over Earnings

Harare As the crowd of anxious community members and stakeholders waited patiently at the Selous Metallurgical Complex (SMC) on Thursday last week, a white helicopter with blue strips droned past, forcing dust to go round like a billowing sea. Executiv...

Ghana: AngloGold Ashanti Puts in $1.6 Billion for Growth

Encouraged by international prices of bullion, AngloGold Ashanti is to invest between $1.6 billion to $2.2billion annually in 2012 and 2013 to jack up gold production to 5.5 million ounces a year by 2014-15 against current output of 4.5million ounces,

Namibia: Namdeb Donates Redundant Equipment

Windhoek Namdeb on Tuesday through its corporate social responsibility programme donated redundant components and equipment, valued at N$372 440, to Namibia Institute of Mining Technology's (NIMT) Southern Campus at Keetmanshoop in the Karas Region. The

London diamond sorting, sales moved to Botswana

Botswana aims to transform itself into an international hub of the world diamond industry, boosted by a deal in which the De Beers mining and sales empire will transfer the sorting, valuing and selling of rough diamonds from London to Gaborone by the end of 2013. The agreement also provides for Botswana to sell 10 percent of its diamonds independently of De Beers, rising to 15 percent in five years' time. Gaborone's Mmegi newspaper reported Tuesday that all 66 of De Beers' sightholders from around the world are expected to travel to Gaborone at least ten times a year. Africa's failure to add value to resources within their countries of production has long been identified as a major hindrance to the continent's growth.

Namibia: diamond company supports Orphan Trust

Gemxcel Diamonds, has been donating N$7000 per month to the Christina Swart-Opperman Aids Orphan Foundation Trust since August. The money enables the trust to continue with its projects, according to Dr Christina Swart-Opperman. Some of the funds will be

Uranium was stolen from Trekkopje

Areva Resources Namibia, a subsidiary of a French giant mining company confirmed on Friday the uranium ore stolen on August 25. allegedly by four men - three Namibians and a Zimbabwean - originated from its Trekkoppje mine situated 80 kilometres north of Swakopmund. The four suspects were arrested and appeared in court after radioactive material was found in their possession.

Nigeria: Mining Sector to Generate Two Million Direct Jobs

Stakeholders in the mining sector said they are targeting to create about two million direct jobs for Nigerians from the sector. Under the Progressive Miners Empowerment Association (PMEA), the miners said if about N200 billion is injected into the sector, it would be revived.

Commodities slump to ease inflation

The fall in commodity prices at the international market amid fears of a slowdown of the global economy is set to reduce exposure to imported inflation and exchange rate instability.