Posts by International Mining:

Novel research seeks to locate Scotland’s next gold mine

This University of Leicester picture shows Nyree Hill, PhD Research in the Department of Geology. University of Leicester geologists are applying new scientific prospecting methods. Scotgold Resources has just won planning permission to open Scotland's first gold mine since gold was mined 500 years ago at Leadhills to make the Scottish crown jewels. Now the University of Leicester is involved in the search for the next natural treasure trove. Over the next decade or so, it is planned that the Cononish deposit near Tyndrum in the Scottish Highlands, will produce 20,000 oz gold and 80,000 oz silver each year. After that, though, the currently known resources will largely be worked out. Therefore research being undertaken at the University of Leicester, in conjunction with Scotgold Resources and in collaboration with researchers at Aberdeen & Glasgow Universities and the British Geological Survey, will be key to finding the next gold mine. If successful, employment and the local economy - and income for the UK - can be sustained beyond the lifetime of Cononish. University of Leicester PhD student, Nyree Hill, explained: "The problem is that gold is found scattered throughout the Scottish Highlands, but so far none has been found as concentrated as at Cononish. This is despite the Highlands being one of the first areas in the world to be studied by geologists. One explanation for this is the challenging climate and mountainous terrain, and also much of the rock is buried by glacial deposits." The gold at Cononish has ancient roots. Before the Atlantic Ocean opened, the Highlands formed part of a mountain belt that extended from Canada through Ireland and Scotland into Scandinavia. This mountain-belt formed as the Iapetus Ocean, a fore-runner of the Atlantic Ocean, was destroyed by the collision of tectonic plates half a billion years ago. This joined Scotland and England together as we know it today. The gold was concentrated, deep underground, as rising granite magma heated water, which circulated through large faults. That hot water, at 100s of degrees Celsius, carried gold, silver and other metals, and deposited them, with quartz, into veins. The process, repeated time and again, brought the gold to economic levels. Hill is examining rocks from a series of new targets close to Cononish in order to identify key ‘fingerprints' for gold mineralisation. She said: "Traditional exploration strategies look at how gold is related to other metals and minerals. However, my study is using detailed chemistry of the gold and associated minerals to map the pathways through the rock along which the gold-bearing fluid flowed." "Applying this approach will help identify future targets and maximise our chances of finding the next Cononish." Dr Gawen Jenkin, Senior Lecturer in Applied Geology at the University of Leicester, said: "The go-ahead for mining at Cononish will galvanise exploration activity across the Scottish Highlands - a mini gold-rush perhaps - meaning that Nyree's work will be of wide application. I was involved in the early work to understand how Cononish formed and was therefore very keen when asked by Scotgold to be involved with their current exploration program."

Mintec launches new MineSight Schedule Optimizer version

Tucson-based Mintec officially launched its Version 4.0 of its MineSight Schedule Optimizer (MSSO) mine scheduling software package on October 26. The statement said that chief among the enhancements is MSSO's seamless integration with MineSight Haulage, plus its upgrade to 64-bit technology.

Mechel opens new experimental ferronickel production complex

Mechel OAO, one of the leading Russian mining and metals companies, has announced that its Southern Urals Nickel Plant has opened an experimental industrial complex to produce ferronickel. The industrial complex will produce ferronickel by electric smelting. The complex's launch is part of the reconstruction of the plant's smelting facilities, aimed at increasing production efficiency, lowering production costs and dramatically reducing the volume of waste released into the atmosphere. The new technology will also allow the plant to significantly decrease operating costs by excluding several expensive components from the technological cycle. The 12MW complex's annual production capacity is some 4,500 t of ferronickel, with an average 20% nickel content. The smelting complex was designed by Bateman Engineering in South Africa, based on state-of-the-art technical developments employed for the ferroalloy industry and environment protection. In developing the project Bateman used an integrated approach, which made possible a combination of lower production costs with higher metal extraction levels and improved equipment endurance and reliability."Launching this unique industrial complex for ferronickel production, with its 12MW electric furnace, which will be used to master the technology and train our personnel, marks the beginning of the plant's sweeping modernisation. The development strategy implemented by the plant is due to ensure not only the present, but also the future for South Urals Nickel Plant and dramatically improve the facility's economical and ecological parameters," Mechel OAO's Chairman of the Board of Directors Igor Zyuzin said in a statement.

CEEC medal launched to recognise outstanding advancement in comminution

Elizabeth Lewis-Gray, Chairman and Managing Director of Gekko Systems and Chairman of CEEC (Coalition for Eco-Efficient Comminution) announced in an October 2011 statement the launch of an inaugural CEEC medal. This an annual award intended to recognise and celebrate the contribution of outstanding published papers, articles or case studies profiling beneficial strategies for eco-efficient comminution. "The CEEC Medal is intended to bring attention to 'best-in-class' research or documentation in the field of eco- efficient comminution.

Sandvik hosts drill and blast Mining Forum in Johannesburg

Leading surface and underground drill manufacturer, Sandvik, held a dedicated Mining Forum in Johannesburg, South Africa from October 11-13. The theme was 'Mastering Surface Drilling and Blasting.' Hosted by Sandvik and supported by mining explosives major AEL and drill monitoring and guidance company Thunderbird Pacific, the event aimed to provide a different experience than traditional seminars.

Superior releases new belt scale for which it claims great accuracy

Superior Industries, a manufacturer of conveying equipment and conveyor components, has a brand new conveyor belt scale. Designed to produce precision measurements, the new scale is available in two different models. The WB model has an accuracy rating of 1.0% (+/- 0.5%). With independent weigh bridge brackets, it accommodates multiple belt widths and is designed for material handling up to 2,000 t/h.

CiDRA wins major coal flow contract in Mexico

SONARtrac® flow monitoring technology has been selected by the largest coal producer in Mexico. Altos Hornos de Mexico (AHMSA) has chosen CiDRA Minerals Processing's SONARtrac systems as its preferred technology for use in two coal preparation plants owned by AHMSA, located in Coahuila, Mexico. The SONARtrac systems will be installed on the feed lines to dense media cyclones, flotation cells, column cells and mixing tanks, as well as on the thickened tailings underflow lines in both the La Florida and Palau plants. These plants prepare coal for later use in coking and energy production.

Top challenge this year among senior mining executives is optimising production effectiveness

Mincom, now a part of ABB and a leading global provider of software and services for asset-intensive industries, has released findings from its second-annual study into the views of key stakeholders in mining. The Mincom Mining Executive Insights: 2011 survey has revealed the top challenge this year among senior mining executives is optimising production effectiveness, pushing last year's primary concern - ensuring workplace safety - into second position.

Proinversion putting major northern Peru mining project out to tender

Starting in the second quarter of 2012, the Peruvian Government will put out to tender the Arena Seca project in Tambogrande (Piura); the Huayday Ambara prospect (La Libertad); the remaining concessions of the Michiquillay project, and a copper refinery project in Sechura (Piura), MinerAndina.e reports. These projects all in the north of Peru and are to be found on the website of the Peruvian Private Investment Promotion Agency - ProInversion.

Nevada’s Cortez mine leads gold production growth among the world’s top mines

Intierra Resource Intelligence yesterday forecast that if individual site production continues in line with first-half 2011 results, only one of the world's top ten gold mines will surpass the production levels it achieved in 2010. The Cortez mine in Nevada is the only site heading for an improved 2011. Cortez has a growth rate of 37% and returned a large second quarter production figure of 419,000 oz.

80% of mining professionals seeking new roles according to new report

The manpower challenge facing the global mining industry has been underlined by the results of a survey of 4,200 mining professionals conducted by leading mining recruitment job board and specialist mining recruiters Faststream. According to the survey, 80% of respondents claimed that they were planning on leaving their position within the next 12 months and were currently actively searching for a new job. The findings of the survey are available in Mining Global Employment Review 2011, published October 25.