The technology is housed in a self-contained unit and takes the lithium chloride feed produced by the company’s existing direct lithium extraction (DLE) demonstration plant.
The new exploration rights form a continuous block on the southwest border of Ivanhoe's existing Platreef mining rights at Turfspruit and Macalacaskop.
A model developed by Brazilian researchers shows that opening up protected areas in the Amazon to mining projects would lead to massive losses of forest coverage.
The new area, called Royropata, is not in the current permitted area, but the company believes that the discovery “has the potential to secure the medium-term future of the Pallancata mine.”
“We might see a slowing of the economy, but inflation may not come down as much as the Fed would like and yet they will be no longer able or willing to raise rates further, and that is a very positive environment for gold,” analyst says.