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Despite Fukushima, global nuclear power on the rise

One outgrowth of the U.S. super-secret WW2 Manhattan Project, which produced the nuclear bombs dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, six years later, in 1951, a small experimental reactor in the United States produced the world’s first electricity generated by nuclear power.

Coal’s dirty little takeover secret

Much to the dismay of the environment and despite global renewable energy efforts, coal is set to overtake oil as the world's main source of energy by 2020, according to a recent report.

Canada ramps up pipeline plans

The Canadian Chamber of Commerce added its voice this week to the growing national consensus over the need to build new oil and gas pipelines to connect Canadian energy infrastructure to world markets.

Mideast oil loses some of its power

Not even once during the deliberations of whether to attack or not to attack Syria was the issue of how an escalation of violence would affect the oil markets.