From the perspective of economists, the impact of a new mine is truly an interesting opportunity. It is the rare situation where we are able to take something from nature, and turn it into new wealth for a variety of stakeholders including the community and regional economies.
Asset bubbles go as far back as finance and speculation themselves. In the past, there have been bubbles in everything from tulips to railroads that have made or broke fortunes.
It might not surprise you to know that the most common migrant entrepreneurs in the US by absolute numbers are Mexicans, Indians, Koreans, Cubans, and Chinese.
Western sanctions against Russia that stemmed from the events in Ukraine have not yet put a significant dent in the country’s economy or changed their plans abroad. However, over the last three months, the slumping price of crude oil may be the factor that finally makes Moscow blink.
In response to popular demand from our home province of British Columbia, today we visualize the amount of natural resources extracted from BC each year.
Nobody likes taxes. However, when the super rich are stuck in forfeiting millions of dollars to taxes each year, they probably despise them even more than the average person.