Posts by Toby Connor - Gold Scents:

Natural gas is the trigger

I was confident that the Fed had already begun printing. That seemed quite evident by the overall action in the commodity markets, the dollar, and the fact that stocks were unable to correct in the normal timing band for a daily cycle low.

The real stock market ain’t so pretty

When priced in something that has real value and cannot be debased (gold), one can clearly see that stocks have been in a severe bear market since 2000. (If one were to look at PE valuations during the same period they would see the same bear market.)

Deflation in our future

Make no mistake; the four-day rally we just saw was nothing more than short covering in front of the Fed meeting just in case Bernanke surprised us with QE3. As expected he confirmed that QE2 would end on schedule. The dollar rallied and the market sold off on the news.

Bernanke Bottom or Crash!

Today's FOMC meeting and press conference has the potential to either put in a daily cycle bottom in the dollar index or initiate a waterfall decline into the dollar's three year cycle low. There is a lot riding on this meeting.