Posts by SRK Consulting:

SA’s energy economy must look ahead to replace coal jobs

Speaking at the Coaltrans conference in Cape Town in September, SRK Consulting principal geologist (coal) Lesley Jeffrey said that the government’s latest draft Integrated Resource Plan (IRP) envisaged only 45% of the nation’s supply of energy coming from coal – down from 48% in the 2010 draft of the IRP.

SRK shares mineral valuation insights with China

An important Chinese mining sector delegation visiting South Africa was yesterday able to gain valuable insights from specialist engineers and scientists from SRK Consulting (SA), focussing on the range of factors that affect mineral resource and mineral reserve reporting and valuation. Details follow below in an article entitled: SRK shares mineral valuation insights with China.

SRK models sustainable solutions for brine from tailings

Management of waste brines is a common challenge for mines worldwide. Working with SRK Consulting colleagues in Vancouver, Canada, SRK Consulting’s office in Cape Town has recently conducted preliminary groundwater modelling to assist a mining client in South America to find an environmentally sustainable solution for managing brine emanating from mine tailings.

Upbeat mood at DRC Mining Week – SRK

Engineers and scientists from SRK Consulting’s offices in the Democratic Republic of Congo and South Africa were part of the DRC Mining Week in Lubumbashi recently, sharing information on trends and opportunities in one of Africa’s most important mining hubs.

On the move at SRK

Leading global firm of engineers and scientists SRK Consulting has made a number of directorship and partnership appointments to its Global Board and its South African leadership.

OBITUARY: Dr Oskar Steffen 1940-2018

SRK Consulting announces with great sadness the passing of Dr Oskar Steffen – one of the three founders of the global firm of consulting engineers and scientists – on Wednesday 27 June in Johannesburg; he was 77 years old.

Building impact assessment on human values – SRK

While the assessment of environmental and social impacts of economic activity is a duty based mainly on government regulations, it is apparent that human rights and justice are increasingly powerful drivers that are taking this discipline onto new ground. SRK Consulting’s engineers and scientists who attended the International Association for Impact Assessment (IAIA) held in Durban last month, provide their insights and take outs from the global conference.

Junior miners still struggle against system in SA

Despite South Africa’s stated intention of nurturing a junior mining sector as a key strategy in revitalising and transforming the sector, voices at the recent Junior Mining Indaba held in Johannesburg, South Africa, were clear that this is not happening.

SRK assists mines with water use licence amendments

Applying for and obtaining amendments to water use licences is an ongoing and often time-consuming process for most mines, even when the adjustments are relatively low-risk, according to SRK Consulting principal environmental scientist Jacky Burke, the leader of SRK’s water use licence application (WULA) Group. Please see below media release entitled “SRK assists mines with water use licence amendments.”