Posts by AMC Consultants Pty Ltd:

Why characterization of mineralization affects profits: Gold in West Africa

Gold deposits in West Africa commonly display considerable variation across a single project area, but geological evaluation, mine planning, production and mineral processing streams often fail to fully account for the range of characteristics. The consequences can, at minimum, be an unrecognized shortfall in optimising mineral exploitation and financial return, but can also threaten the viability of the operation.

Rapid growth in graphite

In recent years many companies have joined the race to develop the next graphite mine. With the rapid development of alternative energy sources for many applications, improved batteries with increased storage capacity have become critical to world growth. As a result the lithium, cadmium, and graphite markets have seen an increase in demand; especially high purity, large sized graphite flakes, which are able to attract a significant premium in the current market.

Corporate memory

Until the digital era, mining companies operated internal libraries which stored and indexed technical reports and memos so that they were accessible to all technical staff.