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Did the Saudis and the US collude in dropping oil prices?

The oil price drop that has dominated the headlines in recent weeks has been framed almost exclusively in terms of oil market economics, with most media outlets blaming Saudi Arabia, through its OPEC Trojan horse, for driving down the price, thus causing serious damage to the world's major oil exporters – most notably Russia.

Could falling oil prices spark a financial crisis?

The oil and gas boom in the United States was made possible by the extensive credit afforded to drillers. Not only has financing come from company shareholders and traditional banks, but hundreds of billions of dollars have also come from junk-bond investors looking for high returns.

Follow the sand to the real fracking boom

When it takes up to four million pounds of sand to frack a single well, it’s no wonder that demand is outpacing supply and frack sand producers are becoming the biggest behind-the-scenes beneficiaries of the American oil and gas boom.

Another key approval for the uranium market

I discussed last week about the municipal approval of restarts for two nuclear reactors in Sendai, Japan. With one of the knock-on items to watch for being further approval from the regional government here. We didn’t have to wait long.