Posts by Michael Allan McCrae:

Northern Dynasty’s Pebble project receives a positive preliminary assessment

Northern Dynasty said on Wednesday that Wardrop completed a positive preliminary assessment report for the Pebble copper-gold-molybdenum project in Southwestern Alaska. "For the Pebble Project, the 45-year Reference Case yields a 14.2% pre-tax IRR, a 6.2-year payback on initial capital investment of $4.7 billion and a $6.1 billion pre-tax NPV at a 7% discount rate and long-term metal prices. At current prevailing metal prices, the 45-year Reference Case yields a 23.2% pre-tax IRR, a 3.2-year payback on initial capital investment and a $15.7 billion pre-tax NPV at a 7% discount rate."

Transporting raw oilsands’ bitumen poses substantial risks, says report

Diluted bitumen from the oilsands can pose a substantial risk when carried through pipelines, says the Natural Resources Defense Council in a report released this week. "Increasingly, pipelines transporting tar sands crude oil into the United States are carrying diluted bitumen or "DilBit"—a highly corrosive, acidic, and potentially unstable blend of thick raw bitumen and volatile natural gas liquid condensate—raising risks of spills and damage to communities along their paths," says the report. The Natural Resources Defense Council claims that the company's that produce oilsands are using conventional pipeline technology, however the operating temperature and pressure to push the bitumen down the pipes must be higher which can lead to ruptures, corrosion and leaks.

Potash inventories tighten in January

PotashCorp said on Tuesday that inventory in January was down 84,770 tonnes, about 24% below the previous five-year average. PotashCorp produces approximately 23% of the world's supply of potash. It is also a major producer of phosphate and nitrogen. Current spot prices puts potash at just under $400 a ton. Jay Taylor, editor of J. Taylor's Gold, Energy & Tech Stocks newsletter, says that major potash firms are trying to improve their positions, so they can benefit from a sector that is expected to grow.

Zinc fights the common cold

Zinc may be good for your everyday galvanizing and diecasting, but it may also be good at fighting colds. According to the Cochrane Collaboration, zinc taken as a lozenge or syrup reduced the duration and severity of the common cold in healthy people. "People taking zinc are also less likely to have persistence of their cold symptoms beyond seven days of treatment. Zinc supplementation for at least five months reduces incidence, school absenteeism and prescription of antibiotics for children with the common cold."

Silvercorp up 4 per cent after positive preliminary assessment

Silvercorp announced on Thursday that it received a positive preliminary assessment for its Silvertip silver-lead-zinc project in northern British Columbia. Silvercorp's stock was up 4% on the TSX on Friday. The report prepared by Golder Associates favoured a small mine and mill operating seasonally at 500 tonne per day or 72,000 tonne per year. "The initial capital cost of the project is estimated to be $US49 million with sustaining capital costs over the remaining mine life (21 years) estimated at $US54.2 million. The payback period is estimated at 4 years for the base case and 2 years for the upside case after reaching commercial production."

Payout to Flathead miners is unfair says Association for Mineral Exploration British Columbia

The Association for Mineral Exploration British Columbia said on Wednesday that the agreement to compensate the miners for development work in the Flathead River basin are too low. "AME BC remains appalled by the lack of due process in reaching a timely and fair compensation agreement for the taking of mineral titles in the Flathead", stated Gavin C. Dirom, President & CEO of AME BC in a press release.

Net income rises 57 percent for Barrick Gold

Barrick Gold reported on Thursday that net income in the fourth quarter was up 57% to US$947 million or 95 cents a share, a record result for the world's-largest gold miner. In the same quarter in 2009, Barrick reported US$604 million net income or 61 cents a share. The company produced 1.7 million ounces of gold at a total cash cost of $486 per ounce. Gold production in 2011 is expected to be similar to 2010.