Posts by Michael Allan McCrae:

Bernanke and Paul square off on gold

Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke and Rep. Ron Paul (R-TX) squared off, probably for the last time, at a congressional hearing on Wednesday on whether gold can be considered money. Paul, who belongs to the libertarian wing of the Republican party and is currently running for the the Republican presidential nomination, expressed his sentiments about gold and the Federal Reserve in the books End The Fed and the Case for Gold.

Northgate Minerals to acquire Primero Mining for $370 million

Northgate Minerals announced on Wednesday that it will acquire Primero Mining for $370 million. The new company, which will have a combined market capitalization of approximately $1.2 billion, will be a mid-tier gold producer and will tie together the San Dimas mine in Mexico; the Fosterville and Stawell gold mines in Australia; and the Young-Davidson gold development project in Ontario.

Impure diamonds make perfect computers

Diamonds have the potential to act as building blocks for quantum computing. In an article published in Nature Physics last month, a group of researchers found that the nitrogen vacancy centre in a diamond can be used for quantum memory. The paper was published by the Center for Spintronics and Quantum Computation, University of California, Santa Barbara, California; and the Department of Physics, University of Konstanz. Researchers named were G. D. Fuchs, P. V. Klimov, and D. D. Awschalom.

Deep sea mud is rich in rare earth elements

A team of Japanese scientists have found large quantities of rare earth minerals on the bottom of the Pacific Ocean. In a Nature Geoscience article published on Monday, the team said that it looked at 78 sites throughout the eastern South and central North Pacific ranging in depths of 3,500 to 6,000 metres. “We estimate that an area of just one square kilometre, surrounding one of the sampling sites, could provide one-fifth of the current annual world consumption of these elements”

That shave will cost you $100,000

Exotic materials are finding more and more uses, including a really expensive way to shave. Zafirro is taking orders for a $100,000 razor made with sapphire blades and a 99.95% iridium handle. Iridium is a member of the platinum group metals, and one of the least abundant materials on earth.

Profit doubles and gold production increases by 17% during Caledonia Mining’s Q1

Caledonia Mining increased gold production by 17% and nearly doubled its profit to $5,248,000 compared to $2,815,000 in the fourth quarter 2010. Announcing its Q1 results on Wednesday, the company also said that its average cash cost per ounce of gold produced decreased by 18% to US$648 compared to the fourth quarter 2010. As of March 31, 2011 the company had net cash and cash equivalents of $1,406,000.