Posts by Steel Guru:

Taiwan iron and steel export value in July up by 12pct

According to the statistics released by the Taiwan ministry of finance, Taiwan's iron and steel exports value in July this year amounted to USD 1.76 billion, increasing by 12.2% compared to June and up 31% compared to the same month of 2010, while its metal product exports value totaled USD 1 billion, up 14.75% compared to the previous month and up 21.4% compared to the same month of 2010.

Modest losses at Chilean copper mine during strike

The mine operated and controlled by BHP Billiton Limited said that the 15 day illegal strike at the Escondida copper mine in Chile didn't have a relevant impact. As Escondida produces roughly 1.09 million tonnes of copper a year, press reports estimated

Kenya set to issue a gold mining lease to Goldplat

Kenyan government will in October issue London listed Goldplat a lease to exploit the large gold deposits at Kilimapesa gold site in Narok County. An official at Kenya's ministry of mines said that Goldplat will be given a mining lease after completion

Over 10000 people benefit from RUSAL ALSCON water project

RUSAL ALSCON, the Nigerian subsidiary of United Company RUSAL announced the completion of 7 water projects to complement the existing three projects that provide potable water for over 10,000 people in Ikot Abasi LGA where the plant is located.