Posts by Michael Allan McCrae:

Bard Ventures up seven percent after announcing drill results of 70.49 gm/t silver over 214.7m at Lone Pine property

Bard Ventures (CVE:CBS) was up 7.69% on Friday, bucking a down day in the markets when the S&P/TSX Composite index was down 2.34%, after the company announced drill results of 70.49 gm/t silver over 214.7m at Lone Pine Property. Bard Ventures said that the positive results received from drill hole BD-11-69 demonstrate the continuity of high grade molybdenum (Mo), copper (Cu) and silver (Ag) mineralization over a horizontal distance of 131 meters from drill hole BDQ-08-03 through BD-11-69 to BDQ-08-04.

Lumina Copper up 23 cents after announcing copper intersects at Taca Taca

Lumina Copper (CVE:LCC) announced on Thursday intersects of 646 meters grading of .93% copper equivalent at the Taca Taca copper-gold-molybedenum project in Argentina. Lumina also reported drilling results of 2.69% copper equivalent in 50 meters of grading. Lumina was up 23 cents to 7.08 on Thursday. At the end of the week, was back down $6.71.

Bitcoin proves once again the underlying problem with gold: Krugman

Bitcoin, a new and private form of currency exchange, got some attention from Paul Krugman in a column who drew parallels between it and gold, finding that both markets are susceptible to underlying problems of "money-hoarding, deflation, and depression." BitCoin, which is well-examined in an article by James Surkowieki, is an alternative form of currency exchange.

Australian mining industry: objects in the rear view mirror may appear larger than they actually are

Australians believe that the mining industry is much larger than it actually is, according to a study by the Australian Institute. In the study released on Thursday, Australians were asked to estimate what percentage of the nations workers are employed by the mining industry. The average response was around 16 per cent, when according to the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) the actual figure is 1.9 per cent. The survey also found Australians believe that mining accounts for more than one third (35%) of economic activity. However, ABS figures show that the mining industry accounts for around 9.2 per cent of GDP.

Queensland puts $4.6 billion in mining infrastructure spending to the private sector

ABC News reports that Queensland is looking to the private sector to help it build a $2.6 billion dam and $2 billion off-shore cargo facility. Premer Anna Bligh said on Tuesday that the Queensland Treasury had been tasked with investigating investment opportunities to fund the Connors River Dam and proposed multi-cargo facility at Abbot Point. The government expects to approach the market in early 2012.

Alec Baldwin is no fan of nuclear power

Actor and possible New York mayoralty candidate is no fan of nuclear power. In an interview with the Huffington Post on Friday, he said nuclear power is a dirty source of fuel. "Nuclear reators are filthy, contaminating processes. The biggest problem in the anti-nuclear movement is the big lie, the constant metronomic assertion of the nuclear industry that it is 'clean power'," says Baldwin in the interview. New York state, where Baldwin lives, has six nuclear power plants which provide 30% of the state's electricity needs.

Force majeure lifted at Escondida

Reuters reports that force majeure was lifted at Escondida on Friday at Escondida, the world's largest copper mine. The Chilean mine, whose majority owner is BHP Billiton, was under force majeure on July 27 after a union strike. Force majeure is a clause in legal contracts that frees a party from meeting its obligations due to events beyond its control, such as strike or civil unrest or extreme weather.

Mineral association asks Quebec government for clearer rules

The Quebec Mineral Exploration Association asked the Quebec government for rules that will simplify mineral development and exploration. A mining bill, which the association has criticized, is working its way through the provincial legislature. The association says that sections of the bill could lead to industry losses of $1 billion in mineral exploration investments. The association is mainly concerned with some jurisdiction for mining and exploration remaining at the local level. Instead, the association would like to see clear rules across the province for assessing development.

Glencore announces $1 billion acquisition of Optimum Coal

Glencore International plc (LON:GLEN), seeking access to the growing coal market in India and China, announced on Thursday an estimated $1 billion plan to acquire Optimum Coal Holdings (JNB:OPT), a significant thermal coal producer in South Africa. Glencore will value the ordinary shares of Optimum at 34 ZAR (4.8 USD), a 35% premium over the 30-day volume weighted average. “Optimum’s high quality, long life coal assets and significant presence at Richards Bay Coal Terminal would be an attractive addition to our existing South African coal business," said Tor Peterson, director of the Coal/Coke commodity department.

New wind turbine design may give nuclear and coal a run for its money

NHK World reported that Japanese researchers have created a new design for wind turbines that doubles and even triples the power of conventional models. The wind lense turbines, currently operating at Kyushu University, were developed by Professor Yuji Ohya at the university's Research Institute for Applied Mechanics. A lense fits around the outside of the blades which creates a low pressure region beyond the blades and causes the wind to surge through the turbine increasing the the blades speed and the power generated.