Posts by Michael Allan McCrae:

IAMGOLD acquires 10.2 percent stake in Bellhaven Copper and Gold

Bellhaven Copper & Gold (CVE:BHV), a Canadian exploration company operating in Panama and Colombia, received a 10.2% equity interest investment by IAMGOLD Corporation which will subscribe for eleven million units of Bellhaven at C$0.55 per unit. In mid-October, IAMGOLD (TSE:IMG) said it was going start buying new companies that would complement its core strengths, established relationships with foreign governments and working experience in Africa and the Americas. "The private placement will build our treasury to approximately $9.6 million, allowing us to ramp-up the exploration programs at La Mina," said Paul Zweng, Bellhaven's interim CEO and director.

British Columbia’s exploration expenditures increased twenty fold since 2001

In the last decade spending on exploration in British Columbia has increased 20 fold. It was another bright spot for British Columbia's mining sector, as covered in PricewaterhouseCoopers' industry survey. "The estimated total economic output, value added GDP employment generated from exploration and development activities are $352 million, $168 million and 3,017 jobs respectively," wrote the survey authors.

Move to Saskatchewan if you want a raise

Despite global economic uncertainty, resource-rich Saskatchewan should offer significant salary gains for its workers in 2012, seeing an average 3.9% increase in wages. The Conference Board of Canada's compensation outlook was released on Tuesday. Saskatchewan is the world's largest exporter of potash and uranium. It also has a significant oil and gas sector. Saskatchewan leads all provinces in wage increases, followed by Alberta at 3.6 per cent.

FairStar to spend $300 million to build mining operations at its Steeple Hill iron ore project

FairStar Resources (ASX:FAS) will spend $300 million to build a a mining operation at its Steeple Hill iron ore project in Western Australia. The company, which made the announcement on Monday, plans to recover alluvial iron ore deposits in phase one of the project, followed by a drill and blast operation for hard rock hematite in phase two and the recovery of magnetite in phase three. The company says it will not seek joint venture partners.

Alacer Gold operations not harmed by Turkish earthquake

Alacer Gold (TSE:ASR) reports no injuries or damage occurred at the Çöpler Gold Project after a 7.2 magnitude earthquake struck the southern part of Turkey. Over 200 people are confirmed dead with hundreds of more casualties expected. Structural damage near the earthquake is extensive. The U.S. Geological Survey reported the epicenter was in the village of Tabani, about 410 kilometers southeast of Çöpler.

Molycorp spends $114 million to accelerate rare earth production by three months

Molycorp (NYSE:MCP), the only rare earth producer in the Western hemisphere, announced on Thursday that it plans to spend $114 million to accelerate by three months the start-up of its rare earth processing facility. Molycorp's stock slid on Thursday after the news. After hitting a high of $40.45 on Wednesday, the stock dropped as low as $36.59 before recovering to close at just under $38. The company's estimated 2012 production will rise by 3,500 metric tons to between 8,000 and 10,000 metric tons annually. The new spending will help the company achieve full phase one production of 19,050 metric tons per year of rare earth oxide equivalent three months earlier than previously planned.

Cancer therapy using iron ore

Helicon Group, an Australian medical company, will spend $3 million to develop a cancer therapy that relies on magnets and iron ore. Nanoparticles of iron ore are injected into a tumour while a magnet is used to heat the tumour and destroy it. Fabio Pannuti, Helicon Group's chief executive, said the treatment is still in its early stages.

Charge time for an electric car dropped to just 10 minutes

In the race to make electric cars a viable alternative to internal combustion engines, Nissan announced that it had developed technology to charge a car in 10-minutes. The time it takes to charge a car is seen as a major hurdle to widespread acceptance of electric cars. With the current technology, it can take several hours to recharge an electric car. Kansai University in Japan is credited with inventing the technology.

Maybe some World Series product placement will give gold a boost

Since gold has slid nearly 20% since hitting a high of $1,900 in September, maybe the precious metal can get a lift from some "magical necklaces" worn by baseball players. Necklaces that contain gold and titanium are starting to catch on with professional athletes who believe wearing them can help improve their performance. Phiten markets the necklaces, as well as wrist bands, athlete's tape and other products. The company started in Japan whose founder, Yoshihiro Hirata, was seeking ways to alleviate chronic pain. The company says that metals like gold and titanium are broken down into microscopic particles dispersed in water and then added to its materials.

Strike at Crocodile River Mine is costing Eastern Platinum 210/oz of PGM production each day

Eastern Platinum (TSE:ELR), xxx, said that stike action by one of its mining contractors at the company's flagship Crocodile River Mine is reducing mine output by 50%, which amounts to about 210 ounces of lost platinum group metal production each working day. JIC Mining Services, one of the largest mining contractors in South Africa, and the National Union of Mineworkers have not yet reached an agreement. About 756 JIC employees working at CRM have joined the strike. Eastern Platinum says it is not involved in this dispute.