PHOTOS: Colombian miners dig for Muzo emeralds Workers search for the precious gems in the Minero river and the Real mine. Kerry Hall | April 12, 2013 | 9:57 am
Canadian gold company threatens Costa Rica with $1bn lawsuit Costa Rican court system has caused a legal vacuum regarding the Las Crucitas mine project and the country's president refuses to act. Kerry Hall | April 11, 2013 | 11:24 pm
New Australian gold mine opens in Queensland Mine life is expected to be 12 years with an output of 55,000 ounces of gold per year. Kerry Hall | April 11, 2013 | 8:47 am
China forms major rare earth group in Ganzhou The government is encouraging more business mergers and forming megacorporations. Kerry Hall | April 11, 2013 | 6:00 am
EU confronts mining corruption with new accord Agreement focuses on companies with profits of at least 40 million euros ($52.5 million), total assets worth 20 million euros or 250 employees. Kerry Hall | April 10, 2013 | 8:47 am
US miners attain record low fatality and injury rate in 2012 Per 200,000 hours worked, the fatality rate was .0107 deaths and reported injuries were 2.56. Kerry Hall | April 10, 2013 | 6:26 am
Australia’s Gindalbie Metals opens new iron ore mine Karara project is the second largest magnetite project in the country. Kerry Hall | April 9, 2013 | 9:09 am
Afghanistan mineral deposits estimated at $1 trillion US hydrologists and mining engineers are working with Afghans southeast of Kabul to conduct tests. Kerry Hall | April 9, 2013 | 8:01 am
US government broke law when issuing shale oil leases in California Bureau of Land Management did not fully weigh the effects of fracking on the environment. Kerry Hall | April 9, 2013 | 6:50 am
Canadian miner’s garnet find points to diamonds in Botswana High concentration of garnets found in drilling results. Kerry Hall | April 8, 2013 | 6:42 am
Australian merger will create mid-tier gold producer The new company's resource will be 1.7 million gold ounces. Kerry Hall | April 8, 2013 | 5:25 am
Chinese company to build $11.3bn coal-to-gas project Annual production capacity will 8 billion cubic metres of natural gas. Kerry Hall | April 8, 2013 | 4:38 am