Calling the new preliminary economic assessment for Seabridge Gold's KSM "a big improvement for a unique massive Au-Cu project," Paradigm Capital believes the company will continue to build value for investors.
Some experts believe recent drops in the gold price are not a bull market correction, but rather reflect a market stuck in a commodity bear "super-cycle."
Money manager Adrian Day discusses two companies in his portfolio that he says have had meaningful recent developments, both positive and negative, and that he deems good buys.
NOVAGOLD's third quarter financial results show a balance sheet that should be sufficient to complete permitting of the Donlin Gold project in Alaska, according to National Bank Financial.
Bob Moriarty of 321 Gold discusses Southern Arc Mineral's large stake in Japan Gold Corp., a new company positioned to take advantage of Japan's opening of gold exploration to foreign companies.
For those who still wonder if the U.S. is a terminal state of decline, all you had to do was spend 90 minutes of your valuable time last Monday watching a fool debate a serial criminal and you would know the answer.
Money manager Adrian Day discusses Altius Minerals, a resource royalty company that he believes has positioned itself well for a rising resource market.