Posts by Mineweb:

KGHM announces almost doubling in Q4 profits

The Polish miners beat market expectations announcing a strong fourth quarter on the back of surging metal prices and said it expects to see 2011 net profit jump to a record 8.35bn zlotys Poland's KGHM (KGHM.WA: Quote) almost doubled its fourth-quarter

Increasing deficit will make copper the new gold in 2011

Copper is the most talked about commodity this year. Copper's price and supply-demand characteristics are widely assumed to reflect the health of the world industrial economy, hence it is considered as excellent barometer to understand global economy's health.

Australia still world’s no. 2 gold producer

Australia produced 266 tonnes of gold in 2010, up 17% on 2009 but not enough to secure it first place as China's output grew to 341 tonnes in the same period. Australia maintained its number two ranking in gold output behind China in 2010