Posts by Mineweb:

Gold the King of tangible assets, silver the Queen

Since the Masters of the System have decided to arbitrarily "move the goalposts" to suit themselves by printing money in unlimited quantities, fixing interest rates at artificially low levels, and backstopping the bond market etc, it is incumbent on us as investors to find a fixed point of reference and safe anchorage, the better to weather the financial storms that their crassly irresponsible policies are bringing upon us.

Brazil considering iron ore export tax?

Brazil's government is considering creating an iron ore export tax meant to spur investment in local steel production, a leading Brazilian newspaper reported on Friday. Advisors to President Dilma Rousseff have asked the finance ministry to study a measure that would tax iron ore exports and exempt steel exports, the newspaper O Estado de S.Paulo reported on Friday, citing a source in the presidential palace.

Gold will achieve new record highs this year – Blanchard

According to coin and precious metals dealer Blanchard and Company's research arm, the continuation of gold's strong bull run through during Q1 2011, with the metal hitting a new nominal high above $1,440 last week, will see more new record highs likely to be achieved this year despite some analysts' predictions that gold will plateau.

Japan tsunami: significant impact on Asian gold supplies

It feels a little callous writing about Japan with respect to precious metals after the country suffered such a terrible tragedy. However, I think it's worth discussing because there's a lesson in it for all of us. In fact, I think the moral could be couched in terms of a warning.

Record 2011 coal price agreed by Xstrata, Chugoku Electric

Xstrata and Chugoku Electric have settled an annual coal contract for the Japanese fiscal year starting April 1 at a record level of around $130 per tonne, over 30 percent higher than last year's contract, sources told Reuters on Friday.