Posts by Redaelli:

Sinking Mosaic K3 expansion with JS Redpath/AMC

Redaelli is proud to announce that its Flexmine ropes have been and are still in use at the Mosaic K3 site, where they are being used to support the Galloway, which is currently hard at work, completing the final phase of the sinking project.

Sinking Mosaic K3 Expansion with JS Redpath/AMC

The K3 complex will comprise two 20-foot diameter shafts sunk to a depth of approximately 3,700 feet below collar together with the necessary service shaft head frame and hoists, ventilation circuits and the associated surface infrastructure.

Redaelli’s expansion in North America

Redaelli, a global market leader in the design and manufacture of specialty steel wire ropes, announced that Matteo Bruzzone, who is based in Montreal, QC, has been appointed as Sales Representative Mining in North America.