Posts by GoldMoney:

NIRP, its likelihood and effect on commodities

There can be little doubt that negative interest rate policies (NIRP) are now a distinct possibility after the Fed backed down from raising the Fed Funds Rate at their September meeting, having prepared markets well in advance for the event.


The sudden end of the Fed’s ambition to raise interest rates above the zero bound, coupled with the FOMC’s minutes, which expressed concerns about emerging market economies, has got financial scribblers writing about negative interest rate policies (NIRP).

Economics of a crash

For the moment investors are in shock, seeking reassurance and keenly intent on preserving their diminishing assets, instead of reflecting on the broader economic reasons behind it.

Risk on

This week market relationships underwent a sea-change, with a sudden realisation that the global economy is in a deepening crisis.

Extremes become more extreme

On the New York Stock Exchange margin debt has hit all-time records at $500bn, roughly double that at the top of the dot-com bubble in 2000 when valuations rose to the highest ever recorded.

Credit deflation and gold

Crucially, the assumption in capital markets that gold is no longer money but just an asset or commodity has all but destroyed our understanding of its monetary relationships.

Productivity misconceptions

In the media warm-up for Wednesday’s UK budget, we were told of Britain’s poor productivity and Chancellor Osborne subsequently confirmed that his priority is to address it.

Greece and short positions

As I wrote last week, in the run-up to the half-year precious metals’ prices face a conflict between window-dressing for the lowest possible valuation, and the systemic risk that is Greece.

Managing trade deficits

Currency devaluation is seen by nearly every macro-economist to be the cure for trade deficits. This widespread assumption is easily demonstrated to be incorrect.