Posts by TAKRAF GmbH:

TAKRAF Germany tastes HPGR success in Turkey

TAKRAF announces the receipt of an important project award for the supply of two High-Pressure Grinding Rolls (HPGRs) for a cement plant in Turkey. The company’s HPGR machines have been designed from the outset with maintainability in mind: a clear target to achieve this goal is the reduction of downtime, which includes integrated maintenance tools and a focus on the changing of wear parts. Furthermore, the machines boast a load optimized frame structure, which ensures the effective operability under varying load conditions.

TAKRAF wins major contract in Africa

TAKRAF GmbH has secured a major contract for the turn key supply and installation of a bauxite handling plant in Guinea, West Africa. The contract value is approximately 100 mill Euros.

Awarding of the World’s Most Powerful Belt Conveyor System

TAKRAF, an integrated solutions provider to the global mining, material handling and minerals processing industries, has recently been awarded the supply of the principal ore transportation system for the Chuquicamata Underground Mine Project by Chile´s state-owned copper mining company, CODELCO - the world’s leading copper producer.