Posts by New York Times:

Diamond thief gets 15 years in Paris heist

A French court meted out a prison sentence of 15 years on Friday to a convicted drug trafficker considered the ringleader of a spectacular $100 million diamond heist at a Harry Winston jewelry store.

A rumble in the jungle

Reality TV series such as “Bamazon,” on the History Channel, or “Gold Rush” and “Jungle Gold” on the Discovery Channel, have elevated the global mining bonanza into living-room entertainment, write New York Times columnists Nathan Lujan, Devin Bloom and Cynthia Watson.

News Analysis: Oil Sands Pipeline Seems Likely to Endure

project is dead forever? Will its cancellation curb the inexorable global demand for the exploitation of Canadas huge oil sands deposits? Will it affect the concentration of atmospheric carbon dioxide in beneficial ways and slow the pace of climate cha...

Boulder seeks to take power from the power company

The New York Times reports Boulder, Colorado, is steeped in climate research. The city will vote on whether to oust the utility company and establish one that is more environmentally friendly. Here, the debate is focused on electricity, specifically whether this city should, in Tuesday’s election, sever its relationship with a corporate utility and move toward a home-ruled, municipally owned one that would be environmentally greener and locally accountable.

Cnooc to pay $2.1 billion for Canada oil sands firm

OPTI Canada, a bankrupt oil sands producer, has agreed to sell itself to a wholly-owned subsidiary of the China National Offshore Oil Corporation, in a deal worth $2.1 billion, the company said on Wednesday. Cnooc, as the Chinese oil giant is known, has been an active deal maker as it seeks to feed China’s ravenous demand for energy.