Posts by Mmegi Online:

Second quarter diamond exports marginally down

Figures for second quarter rough and polished diamond exports have come in at P6.79 billion, representing a marginal five percent drop from the first three months of the year, Mmegi Business has established.

‘Botswana diamond mines best in the world’

Botswana Diamonds recently listed on the Aim Market mining sector and says plans are underway to have a secondary listing on the Botswana Stock Exchange. Executive chairman of Botswana Diamonds John Teeling recently had an interview with proactive...

"No coal depletion threats in Botswana"

The Plant Manager of Morupule Colliery, Matthews Bagopi, says unlike with other commodities that are expected to run out soon in Botswana, there are no threats of coal depletion because there are sufficient ore deposits to support the country for a long time.

Botswana diamond tender facility takes shape

Spadework has begun on construction of a trading facility at Diamond Technology Park (DTP) in Gaborone, marking the first stage of what will become a platform for independent tenders for local, regional and international diamond producers and buyers.