Posts by Herald Sun:

BHP throws BlueScope workers a lifeline

BlueScope Steel has been slammed after paying execs millions of dollars in bonuses as it lays off workers. Australia's biggest company is keen to hire workers sacked by BlueScope Steel.

A great time to buy for the brave

As buyers yesterday drove the sharemarket 2.6 per cent higher, strategists told clients the market could throw up "outstanding" opportunities until the end of the year after the recent rout,

BHP Billiton big in Australia

BHP Billiton is good for the Australian pscyhe. Source: The Australian IN THE "good old days" a billion dollars used to be really worth, well, a billion dollars - these days it seems you are only talking real money when you talk trillions. Back in those

Gillard gutless, says coal protest

COAL seam gas protesters have accused the prime minister of being too gutless to talk to them about an industry they say is a threat to Australia's food security. Julia Gillard attended a community forum at Ipswich, southwest of Brisbane today, but avoided 30 rowdy protesters by going in and out a back door. Waving placards reading "Can't eat coal, can't drink gas", the protesters had hoped to pressure Ms Gillard over a moratorium on CSG projects until environmental effects are better understood.