To reduce the chlorine contents without causing substantial thermal losses in the kiln line LafargeHolcim awarded A TEC a contract for upgrading its existing REDUCHLOR® Bypass in Kujawy.
By using modern technologies combined with innovative process know-how A TEC will further increase LafargeHolcim’s plant performance in Mannersdorf (Austria).
Starting April 1, 2016 a new management will lead the A TEC Group. Hans Joachim Grieb will retire on March 31, 2016 and is going to hand over the management tasks to Wolfgang Hammer and Dr. Stefan Kern.
A TEC supports Nova Cimangola during the construction of a greenfield cement plant “Nova Cimangola 2” project as EPCM (Engineering, Procurement & Construction Management) partner.
A TEC GRECO was awarded to supply two of the largest vertical coal fired Hot Gas Generators (HGG) with a thermal capacity of 53 MW each for generating hot gas (above 900°C). It was manufactured by Brodosplit Shipbuilding Industry in Split, Croatia.