Two Englishmen find gold bars in old Iraqi tank

Source: YouTube.

Military enthusiasts Nick Mead and Todd Chamberlain spend their free time restoring old tanks in the town of Helmdon, England. As soon as they acquire one, they film the whole inspection process they go through, as they usually find bullets and guns.

This week, however, they discovered something shinier in a Chinese Type 69 they bought for some $50,000 on eBay. Five gold bars, whose estimated value is of $1.4 million, were hidden in the vehicle’s diesel container.

“Is that what I think it is? Is it heavy?”, Mead asks on the video as his friend takes out the first bar. The tank, modeled after the Russian T-54, was probably used by the Iraqi Army during the Gulf War.

Even though the men could have lived happily ever after with their gold stash, they decided to call up the police and turn it over. In exchange, they got a receipt. Now they may qualify for a finder’s fee.