Emerging market expert Mobius bullish on gold, BRICs and Southeast Asia

In an exclusive interview with the Financial Post, emerging markets expert at Franklin Templeton Investments Mark Mobius explains why he’s bullish on gold, the BRIC countries and Southeast Asia.

Mobius, considered a “pioneer of emerging market investing,” believes that the gold market gap between short sellers and physical buying will again close as a result of strong, long term bullion demand. His comments have coincided with a mini surge that has pushed the price of gold through the $1,330 barrier

Mobius sees “big comebacks” in the BRIC economies, whose performances over the past year have been lackluster at best.

Scanning the Southeast Asia scene, Mobius suggests that Vietnam is greatly undervalued as a result of its relatively large size, proximity to China and modest offshore oil reserves. Like investor Jim Rogers, Mobius is keeping an eye on Myanmar, whose economy he expects to take off once a certain degree of economic liberalization has taken place.

To read the interview, click here.