Drilling extends Defense Metals’ Wicheeda deposit

The Wicheeda REE property in British Columbia. Image from Defense Metals Corp.

Vancouver-based Defense Metals has completed the 13 diamond drill holes of its summer program at its Wicheeda deposit near Prince George. All of the holes intersected visible rare earth element mineralization in dolomite-carbonatite rocks.

The final hole of the 2019 season cut a 130-metre intersection of visible REE mineralization. And the deposit remains open to the north.

Defense Metals says that drilling on the northern margin of the deposit expanded the mineralization by 100 metres. Infill drilling in the east central area expanded the edge of the deposit 45 metres beyond the limit of the 2019 resource model. Delineation drilling in the southwest part of the deposit expanded mineralization an extra 25 metres. The drill program also provided multiple points from which to further refine the Wicheeda carbonatite envelope.

(This article first appeared in the Canadian Mining Journal)