Diavik Diamond Mine

Diavik Diamond Mine

Owner: Rio Tinto (60%) & Harry Winston Diamond Corporation (40%)

Type of Mine: Diamond

Location: Northwest Territories, Canada

Built: 2003

Though not as large as its Russian counterpart the Diavik diamond mind located in the Northwest Territories of Canada is equally impressive.  Producing 8 million carats annually the site began production in 2003.  The mine’s most remarkable feature is its location, on an island in the middle of Lac de Gras.

Diavik’s location leads to an amazing metamorphosis from crystal blue tranquility in summer to a frozen desert in winter.  Diavik is accessible by a seasonal winter road for only two months of the year – the winter road is built primarily on frozen lakes and stretches 375km north from Yellowknife.  Outside of that two month window Diavik can only be reached by air.

Images courtesy of the Diavik Diamond Mine

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