Copper Innovation Hub launched in Colombia

Copper ore. (Reference image by S. Rae, Wikimedia Commons).

Ten companies from Colombia, Chile, Peru, Sweden, New Zealand and Australia have launched the Copper Innovation Hub, an initiative led by consultancy firm Quintil Valley.

The program’s headquarters will be in Colombia and its goals are to conduct research on all things copper and support countries’ transition towards a clean energy future.

Among its founding members are Metalmax Mining, Libero Cobre, Max Resources, Minerales Córdoba, Minera de Cobre Quebradona, Minera El Roble, Royal Roads, Rugby Limited and International Materials. 

“We want to generate a community of collaboration and innovation that adds value to a gradual and safe energy transition, as well as share good practices to encourage social innovation,” the Hub’s website reads. 

The project also aims to liaise with government agencies and other organizations to co-create spaces that support each country’s green future and that promote a roadmap to more socially responsible and environmentally friendly ways to extract and process copper.