Cooperation Agreement between Moscow Mining University and Severstal

4-Traders reports that the Moscow Mining University (MGGU) and the mining division of Severstal Resources have signed an agreement on the improvement of the student program. Graduates of the program will get a job offer at one of the company’s business units.



Ms Ritter [Agnes Ritter, Operations Director at Severstal Resources] said: “Our company is focused on innovation and implementing best practices at manufacturing facilities. Therefore, we are continuously seeking new efficient ideas and tools. We need people with good communication skills and fluency in English, as well as with extensive technical knowledge: this is a new generation for the mining and steel-making industry that is capable of carrying our large-scale and promising projects.”

Severstal’s initial cooperation with MGGU began more than seven years ago to create sector-oriented classes at schools in regions where Severstal had a presence to offer practical training for students and to establish a “young professional” status for graduates at the company’s business units. Starting in 2012, as part of the partnership program, MGGU launched extracurricular mining training sessions for sector-oriented students. There are currently about 150 students from regions where Severstal has a presence studying at MGGU.