Australia’s biggest underground mine halts production
The power outage was the product of strong winds and heavy rain caused by what has been called “the most extreme weather system” that has hit the area in decades.
The world's number one miner, BHP Billiton, has delayed its $30 billion Olympic Dam copper-uranium expansion and said no major projects would be approved until June 2013 as it tries cutting costs.
Marius Kloppers, CEO of mining giant BHP Billiton, has decided to waive his annual bonus in light of a recent forecast in which BHP's revenues are projected to drop 38%
A study undertaken by the UN on the impact of the global resources sector on the world's indigenous communities is set to make the Australian mining industry an area of focus.
US appeal court judges have ruled that a case seeking a resumption of licensing work for a nuclear waste repository at Yucca Mountain will be put on hold, despite agreeing that the Nuclear Regulatory Commission cannot legally give up work on the application.
Two of the German reactors ordered to shut after Fukushima will be dismantled as soon as possible. EnBW has applied for permission to do the work and said it has more than enough funds set aside.
The stock hit a high of $50 in May 2008 and came close again in April 2011, but at $170 billion, the Melbourne-based company is now valued at some $80 billion less that at its peak.
BHP's board was to make a decision on the $30 billion project this year, but a newspaper report over the weekend said a decision will not be made until 2014 and BHP's uranium division "confirmed the deferral and said a recruitment freeze was now in place".
Reports that assays contained "interesting enrichment in certain rare earth elements" and that gold mineralization was not tested in the area, were not enough to deter investors from dumping the stock – which traded at 17 times the normal volume.