Argentina set to join global mining transparency initiative
The global initiative requires member countries to disclose how they allocate licences and how much they receive from the companies in tax, royalties and other contributions.
Today Andrew’s talking about the ebbs and flows of his MRG business. He tells me President and CEO searches are not where he’s making his money these days, it’s the operations roles.
In this interview with The Gold Report, Doulis says he remains hopeful that this is the year things take a positive turn, but in case we see more of the same, he recommends a few low-cost producers with saintly management teams that keep delivering on promises.
The deal will also result in a spinoff company called AuRico Metals, which will hold the Kemess Property in northern British Columbia and three royalty assets.
In this interview with The Gold Report, Muschinski lists some highly undervalued equities and tells investors to get more aggressive, especially this summer, when he believes the bear could go into hibernation.